5 Tips For Hosting a Boho Birthday Party

Birthdays are something special to be celebrated!  When you think of Boho, you probably think pastel colors, flowers, and colorful patterns.  What would be hotter right now then having a boho birthday party?  The color schemes in combination with this time of year are a perfect pairing!   Here are some tips for keeping it simple.

1. Keep things natural. Use what you have to make this party a true boho birthday.  You can use a park or a backyard as your venue and have a dinner party outside!

2. Use colors that are bright, and pastel. A really cool, chic DIY is to take colorful feathers and dip them in glitter!  Once everything has dried you can hang them along the table.  Or even consider replacing the chairs with decorative pillows!

3. Incorporate flowers – whether that is within the centerpieces or making flower wreaths for your guests, flowers are a must for a boho party!

4. Of course you’ll need an invitation fitting a boho birthday to send guests. Our personal favorite is the Boho Birthday Invitation from our new Occasions Galore line!  The colors, typography and flowers on this invite are to die for!

5. With a party this special, favor bags or gifts might be something you want to consider. There are so many cute boho party gift ideas out there right now – homemade candles for your guests or hand out flower seeds in packages with boho designs for guests to grow at home!

Once all the planning is done… Sit down, relax, and enjoy the party!

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