We love birthdays. And all the trimmings. And cake. And sparkler candles. Oh yeah, and sprinkles. (Us, distracted? Never…squirrel!)
Anyway, thanks to our free printable super-stylish birthday banner, the “trimmings” part just got easier.
Here’s how to do it:
• download the free banner art and print it
• adhere letters to cardstock to make the banner last for the next party (we prefer spray adhesive)
• cut out the letters
• punch holes in the corners and thread with jute cord or ribbon
• OR, don’t punch holes and attach letters to cord with teeny-tiny clothespins
• add frayed burlap ties or satin ribbon bows or other doo-dads between letters to match the party

Once you get the supplies together, it’ll take you maybe an hour. Not kidding. So easy.
Then hang it up. At a co-worker’s desk. Amid the streamers. Over a child’s doorway.
Now about those sprinkles…
Make your whole birthday party coordinate with free printable birthday tags.

So pretty!! Thank you!!