We wish you a beautiful day surrounded by those you hold dear. May it bring you all the love your heart can hold. And chocolate.
And if your celebration involves a proposal and a ring?
We here at Carlson Craft are always willing to lend a hand, and while we can’t help you create a classic proposal story, we can help you with what comes next. First things first: take a little time to enjoy your engagement before sharing the news. Trust us on this.
Next, take a breath and think of who should get the news before it hits social media. Inform people like parents, siblings and your closest friends (those you plan to include in your bridal party) in person, on the phone or in a video chat. Extended family members may also make this list. When deciding who to call, ask yourself this: Would I expect to be told personally about their engagement?

Now, for those of you looking for a way to share the news on social media, we proudly offer a free “I said yes!” printable. Put it in a frame, tack it to a bulletin board or cut it out and glue it to a stick to make a handheld sign, then set the scene, and take that picture!