Tips and Etiquette

Wedding Bouquet

The perfect wedding bouquet

Your bouquet is the centerpiece of your wedding flowers — it’s the accessory that will be in every photo, so it should surpass your expectations.

Wedding Shoes

The Perfect Pair

What’s the best complement to any wedding dress? Amazing shoes. Picking the perfect pair of heels is a big decision. Here are some fabulous options

Inviting Questions

6 inviting questions

Finding the perfect wedding invitation can be challenging. Use these questions to help find the invitation that represents you! Related posts: Wedding day preparation You

Bow Tie

Bow ties: what’s cool at weddings

Bow ties are super classy and when done right, can definitely make an outfit. And thanks to celebrities like Justin Timberlake and Johnny Depp, the

Wedding Hairstyle

Wedding hair tips

Every bride wants to be the epitome of perfection and beauty on her special day! And of course your hair needs to complement your dress

Wedding Invitation Timeline

Wedding day preparation

Wedding planning can get stressful and on top of that you have to try and remember when the perfect time is to send everything! Make

Favor Boxes

Favor box assembly

Favor boxes are one of the easiest ways to create unique wedding favors your guests are sure to enjoy, especially when filled with small tasty