
Sochi party: Dressing up your drinks

The Sochi Winter Olympics are as good an excuse as any to get together with friends and follow your favorite athletes. And you can’t throw a

When to send a thank you card

The new generation relies heavily on media and the Internet to connect with friends and family. Proper etiquette rules dictate that a quick email or

Mardi Gras must-haves for your party

Even if you don’t reside in New Orleans, you can still throw a bright, beautiful and fun Mardi Gras party. Party stationery Don’t forget to

February: National Weddings Month

Summer may be one of the most popular seasons for weddings, but February is known as National Weddings Month. Feb. 14, Valentine’s Day, is obviously one

Throwing a winter Olympics party

The Sochi winter Olympics are in full swing, so now is the perfect time to be thinking about throwing a party for the big event.